June 02, 2009


Congratulations Jenna and Matt=Job WELL DONE. I remember when I graduated back in the day we didn't have parties, I remember my friend and I walked to the pizza place in town and sat enjoying our very first pizza on our own. Back in my day we weren't allowed out of the yard until you graduated. Now I go by what looks like a wedding and it's a graduation party, I remember Terry Davis from church one day suggested we stop in at some of these parties and eat and wait to see how long it would be before we were tossed out, Terry is so funny, I don't think he ever did but knowing Terry one never knows. But I remember the class of 68, We had high hopes of changing the world, We were made to think we could do anything, Also at that time
the Hippy movement was strong, Woodstock would become one of the most remembered concerts of all time in the hippy movement. WOW MAN,COOL,PEACE,PEACE NOT WAR.LOVE. Oh yes I remember=paisley,long hair for guys, short twiggy hair cuts for girls.pot smoking,war protesting. How did we survive? I wouldn't want to go back but happy I was apart of the HIPPY MOVEMENT. Now the only thing hippy about me is my hip replacement lol.

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