April 13, 2009


OK Don't laugh I can explain. Every spring the dandelions make beautiful yellow flowers in our yard BUT when the pretty yellow goes away they turn into long stems with little fly away thingies on them and they hit Spank in the face, Soo I thought I would protect his eyes with googles. OMGoodness he was so humiliated he dropped to the floor and would not move until I took them off I told him when I first had to get glasses I hated it too, but that didn't help. Shucks I thought I had the answer. Any ideas someone may have to help me out. And PLEASE don't tell me I'm crazy, I already know that. Oh don't tell me to treat my dandelions, I live in the country and I don't think the corn fields surrounding my house will mind.

1 comment:

valerie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me....the goggles. ;)
You're only trying to help, right?

So, you're neighbors are Amish?
I hear they are excellent cooks!
Some of our church members get a group together and go somewhere in OK where they cook a huge lunch family style. I've yet to go with them, but they say it's delicious.